Interior DetailsSix Passenger seats configured in a forward, four-place club arrangement with two executive tables and two aft forward-facing seats. Non-belted lavatory, forward right-hand galley. Moving map cabin display with DVD player, 115 VAC outlets, heated coffee dispenser.AvionicsCollins Pro-Line 21 Three Tube EFIS on CASP with Single Collins FMC-3000 FMS, Dual Collins AHC-3000 AHRS, Dual Collins FGC-3000 Flight Directors and Electronic Chartview.ADF: Collins NAV-4000Autopilot: Collins FGC-3000Comm Radios: Dual Collins VHF-4000 w/ 8.33 spacingCVR: L3 FA2100 SSCVRDME: Collins DME-4000EGPWS: Honeywell EGPWSELT: Artex-110 ELTGPS: Collins GPS-4000SNavigation Radios: Dual Collins NAV-4000 / 4500 NAVSRadar Altimeter: Collins ALT-4000Standby Comm: Collins CTL-23 NAV / COMTCAS: Collins TTR-4000Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D Transponders (ADS-B Out)Weather Radar: Collins RTA-800 Color RadarFeatures/OptionsCrew sheepskin covers, cabin temp controller in cabin, recent windshields and cockpit side windows, three 115VAC outlets, crew oxygen mask smoke goggles.
Worth Texas (USA) 76185